-- Physiological changes take place when emotions are activated
sometimes you were the only thing I didn't hate
your arrival was always the best part of my day
yes it's reasonable to say, I loved you
-- Autonomic
- Sympathetic: activates body, prepares for action (fight or flight)
I reacted badly when you needed to vent
we were already physically further but emotionally drawing closer
and in a way that only our language could interpret
I pushed you away
- Parasympathetic: decreases activity (rest and digest)
you were the last thing I would think of as I fell asleep
for years, every single night
-- Physiological Measures
- 2 different emotions can bring about the same pattern of changes
I can't pretend you were a golden age in my life
more like a glimmer of hope
I was miserable in life when I saw you every day
I am miserable in life now hundreds of miles away
who's to say what or who could've been saved
- Measure of physiological changes do not predict specific emotions
I know I can't just try to return
to try to make something out of nothing
but god I miss you so damn much
-- Theories
- Which comes first, awareness or physiological changes?